1. Use glue to hold everything in place.
2. Bend every other strip like in the photo below to make the weaving process easier.
3. 3 1/2" will be unweaved on all sides.
Once the base is done fold up the unweaved portion of the strips to create the sides of the basket.
1. On the first and last rows glue it the weaves together.
2. Glue the second strip to the first one when you need.
3. End each strip and the inside of basket.
To make the handle you will need the six remaining strips. It kind of looks like a twisted paper chain.
I show you with different colors so it will be easier to see.
First lay two strips like this:and glue the ends together.
Then fold the one that is on the bottom over the top. Like this.
Keep repeating this step until you use your remaining strips.
1. Glue extra strips when you need them.
Here is what the handle design looks.
Attach the handle with brads. To decorate, I used a crepe paper to make a ruffle. Ribbon and flowers are them added. If you are impatience like me you will probably use hot glue to attach the decorations.
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